Adding Value and Efficiencies to your Business with SOP's (Standard Operating Procedures)

There are quite a few ways to add value to the business you own or consult for aside from just increasing profits.

For instance, it's a fact buyers will pay more for a business of any size with those SOP's (standard operating procedures) that made the business a success. Whatever makes a business special is not just the product itself but the operations (people and equipment) that make that product consistently

Too often sellers take a nonchalant approach to SOP's since the owners assume those procedures will be passed along to new owners through word-of-mouth or through their management team. We find buyers like the SOP's and will reward the seller nicely for the effort in creating them.

So, why not start right away at documenting or videoing those practices that might be lost if and when certain key people leave. Besides a little introspection can be a good thing. Getting your team together to collaborate can be beneficial on many levels in getting the SOP's done or improved now and for the value of the business at exit time.